Exotic Pets

Pros and Cons of Keeping Tarantulas as Pets: What You Need to Know

Having exotic pets can be a fun experience, but is it the right decision for you? Tarantulas can be fascinating creatures for enthusiasts, but it’s important to understand the pros and cons of keeping tarantulas as pets before you commit to any pet. Another unusual type of pet, these unique arachnids do not require much space or upkeep and can be appealing to those looking for something a little different. But they also present certain challenges that aren’t for everybody. In this guide, we will look at the good and bad aspects of owning a tarantula pet and hopefully help you decide if you’re ready for one or not.

So, Why Should You Keep a Tarantula as a Pet?

Providing that for the right owner, tarantulas can be an interesting and rewarding pet. Before we go into the pros and cons of keeping tarantulas as pets, it helps to know what the heck is so cool about them.

Low Maintenance Requirements

Tarantulas require very little care, unlike dogs or cats. They do not require daily exercise, and their diet of insects such as crickets makes feeding them easy and inexpensive.

Appearance and Behavior That is Amazing

Weirdly, tarantulas spin webs and dig burrows, which is not a common spider thing to do. Exotic pet enthusiasts will find the bright colors and myriad species visually captivating.

Silent and Space-Saving Pets

Tarantulas also don’t make much noise and require small living spaces, making them perfect for people living in apartments or tight quarters.

Benefits of Having Pet Tarantulas

But if you’re thinking of getting a tarantula, here’s a couple of useful benefits of owning one.

Reasonably Priced and Maintenance Hassle-Free

Tarantulas do not need much food and can go for weeks without eating. They don’t require large enclosures, so they are budget-friendly pets. It requires much less cleaning than mammals do.

Low Interaction Needs and Hypoallergenic

Tarantulas are hypoallergenic because, unlike furry pets, they do not produce dander. They need very little care, which means they are low-maintenance for their busy owners.

Long Lifespan

Tarantulas are some long-term pets; some tarantula species can live for two decades (gulp!) if care tools are right.

Disadvantages of Having Tarantulas as Pets

Still, tarantulas aren’t for everyone. What are some challenges to think about?

Venomous and Fragile Creatures

Although most tarantula bites are nontoxic, some species do produce venom that can induce mild irritation or allergic reactions. Their fragile bodies make falls or rough treatment lethal.

Limited Interaction

Unlike dogs or cats, tarantulas don’t develop an emotional bond with their owners. They are primarily for looking at, not for company.

Fear Factor Plus Misconceptions

Tarantulas can be scary to some people, which is difficult if a visitor is not a fan of arachnids. There are, however, a lot of myths about tarantulas being aggressive, which can lead to undue fear.

Caring for a Pet Tarantula

It also means a tarantula who is healthy. Here are essential care tips.

Choosing the Right Enclosure

You will need a secure, well-ventilated tank to keep them from escaping. The substrate will be similar to their habitat, for example, coconut fiber or peat moss.

Feeding and Hydration

Give them live bugs like crickets, mealworms, or roaches. Place a shallow water dish to keep humidity.

Keeping the Proper Environment

The tarantula species should be kept at proper temperature and humidity levels. Keep out of direct sunlight and extremes in temperature.


What are the pros and cons of keeping tarantulas as pets?

That said, there are some pros and cons of keeping tarantulas as pets. Some pros: They are low-maintenance and affordable pets; however, they can be fragile creatures and may not interact much.

Are tarantulas good pets to own?

Sure, most tarantulas don’t pose a threat to humans, but they should not be handled very often because their bodies are delicate and they can have light venom.

Can tarantulas recognize their owners?

Tarantulas do not bond with humans, so they make for better observation than companionship.

What do tarantulas eat?

They mainly consume live bugs like crickets, mealworms, and roaches.

Are tarantulas special needs pets?

Yes, you still have to keep them at the right temperature, humidity, and in the right kind of enclosure for their health.


The pros and cons of keeping tarantulas as pets — weighing the pros and cons of keeping tarantulas as pets. They are interesting, easy-to-care-for creatures that make great pets for someone who enjoys exotic animals. But not everyone is cut out for them, as their low interaction, fragility, and possible fear factor aren’t a fit for all. If these arachnids pique your interest and you’re up for the challenge of meeting their care requirements, a tarantula might be the right pet for you.

Call to Action

Did you know that you can keep a tarantula as a pet? Let me know in the comments if you are for or against owning a tarantula as a pet!

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